On Dec 31, Bastien ROUCARIES <roucaries.bast...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is not only about lintian it is about the quality of your maintscript.
My maintscripts are a total of four commands and they have used for at 
least 9 months in packages with priority important (nano) and required 
(debianutils), with no problems reported.
If you believe that they are unsuitable then I think that at this point 
it is on you to explain more clearly why.

> Moreover you do not
> check the existance of dpkg-divert in
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/md/usrmerge.git/tree/convert-usrmerge
> This is a RC bug to continue if they are dpkg-divert in place.
Any bugs that may be in the usrmerge package are not related to merging
the new lintian checks, but if you could explain in more detail which 
divert-related issues you are thinking are affecting convert-usrmerge 
then I will be happy to address them.

> Moreover quoting guillem and me about creating symlink for library
> under /lib if a pakage install both file in /lib /usr/lib
Now I get this part: I will split the lintian check in two.

> >In addition, from what I've seen from the submitted patches, I'd
> >probably check for the ownership of the pathname being symlinked to
> >or removed, and if it is owned by another package bail out. Because
> >dpkg will not be performing such checks at unpack time.
> Thus we want to check if the dpkg maint script applied in case of
> conflicts are good. And it is not a lintian problem.
This would add a lot of complexity for no obvious benefit: please 
explain more clearly what this would solve.


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