On 10/11/15 13:26, Andrew Shadura wrote:

> I think migrating from old config to a new config in a postinst is okay
> as long as you keep the old config and complain to the user that a
> manual verification may be needed.
> As least ifupdown did that a couple of times, and nobody complained :)

The thing is that dpkg seems to complain. The manual [1] states that:

"Note that a package should not modify a dpkg-handled conffile in its
maintainer scripts. Doing this will lead to dpkg giving the user
confusing and possibly dangerous options for conffile update when the
package is upgraded."

In this case, the options presented by dpkg would indeed be both
confusing and dangerous.

Seemingly, this is also the root cause to the upgrade path bug #655969 [2].

Or, did the ifupdown maintainers found a way around the manual, dpkg and
piuparts checks?



[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-conffiles.html
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=655969

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