On 09/11/15 17:44, Alec Leamas wrote:
> On 08/11/15 19:28, Dominique Dumont wrote:
>> On Sunday 08 November 2015 15:19:30 Alec Leamas wrote:

> So, this is a change, yes. But in the long run, wouldn't we be better
> off by sticking to upstream's way of doing it instead of running a
> separate Debian race? Yes, I have both hats. But still...

Also: updating the new config files, systemd or /etc/lirc/*, in
maintainer scripts is not allowed [1] (?)

Which means that what I could and should do is:
  - Make a script which can handle update in most cases.
  - Make manual update documentation.
  - Have prominent notices in debian/NEWS about required disruptive
configuration update with links to both tool and update docs.

My newbie skills cannot find anything better. If there is no more input,
I will return to this thread once there is a RFS available.



[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-conffiles.html


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