Dear Jonas,

>For the source package I believe you should either...

>a) ensure that the code is truly the code that it claims to be
>    (filename "jquery-1.2.3" quite arguably is not adequate ensurance
>    that it contains unaltered version 1.2.3 of jQuery).
>    This can be difficult to ensure - one way is to build-depend on
>    believed-to-be-same code, and check that content is identical
>    (which may involve re-serialization of content).
>b) repackage upstream source to not redistribute with Debian code
>    which is uncertain what it really is.

the documentation is usually regenerated into debian, not ship with the source 

>For the source package I believe you should either...

>a) Recommend jquery, and patch your code to link against it.
>    This can be difficult: If you use /javascript/... as path it will
>    only work when served by a webserver supporting such indirection
>    (e.g. by use of javascript-common).  If instead you use
>    /usr/share/javascript/... as path it will only work when offline
>    or served by a webserver supporting such indirection (currently
>    no package handles that out of the box).
>b) Depend on jquery, and symlink it from where your code expects
>    it.

>I don't follow why using a symlink is bad - if only you ensure to not
>have broken symlink, by depending on (not recommending) the jquery

The problem is:
vi /usr/share/doc/doxygen/REAMDE.jquery

It is not considered a problem for Doxygen or packages using Doxygen to embed
jquery. In fact replacing the `jquery.js` file created by Doxygen likely
results in broken documentation. Packages doing that are buggy. Lintian will
have to learn that a `jquery.js` embedded by Doxygen is a normal thing.

they call it jquery, but in fact is not really jquery.

(the solution might be in the doxygen doc file, but unfortunately it isn't 
accepted by all the developers)


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