Svante Signell writes ("Re: upgrades must not change the installed init system 
[was: Re: Cinnamon environment now available in testing]"):
> As you can see from that bug report the systemd maintainers overrides
> every attempt to change severity of that bug to wishlist and wontfix.
> Is it possible to reassign this bug to the CTTE, as the systemd-shim |
> systemd-sysv debate was in #762194 as a follow-up of the libpam-systemd
> bug #746578. Do you have to be a member of the CTTE to do this?

No, you definitely don't have to be a member of the TC (or even a DD
or DM or maintainer) to refer a matter to the TC.

But as a matter of bug organisation, it's often better to file a new
ug against tech-ctte, than to reassign an existing bug - eg if the
existing bug has a very long discussion containing many side issues.
Filing a new bug gives you the opportunity to write a summary of the
issues you actually want the TC to decide on.  You can then set the
existing long bug to be blocked by the new TC bug.


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