On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 06:40:26PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> I'm starting to get tempted.  If we have a GR on it, regardless of the
> outcome, we can stop these arguments a bit sooner.

Please do note that this would be a GR to override a DPL delegated
team's decision[1], just to be absolutely clear.


[1]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/04/msg00014.html

 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paul...@debian.org>  |   Proud Debian Developer
: :'  : 4096R / 8F04 9AD8 2C92 066C 7352  D28A 7B58 5B30 807C 2A87
`. `'`  http://people.debian.org/~paultag
 `-     http://people.debian.org/~paultag/conduct-statement.txt

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