Correction: 2014-04-24 20:48 Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo:
b) The first lines of the unminified file clearly states the software projects,
^^^^^^^^^^ minified
version, and URLs to get the non-minified versions, so if users want to modify the code, they can go there or take the version from their Debian system. This is vastly different to the normal idea of binaries without sources (blobs of firmware, .swf files, proprietary binaries without source at all). While it's technically obfuscated, it doesn't have all of the disadvantages that other source-less files have. So the lintian error is in fact equating "source-is-missing" with that this actually a practical problem, presumably because it affects user freedom. b) There's value in the warning, in the sense that if one wants to modify the
^^ c), obviously -- Manuel -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive: