❦ 25 décembre 2013 12:41 CET, Clint Byrum <spam...@debian.org> :

>> > Don't you think it would be more reasonable if the mariadb-client
>> > contained a Provides: mysql-client, rather than changing each and every
>> > software dependency in Debian?
>> Maybe MariaDB wants to be the "default" MySQL implementation?
> MariaDB is not MySQL, so this is not really what you mean. Also I'd ask
> that you suggest why you think there should be a default, and why you
> think that "MySQL" should not be the default "MySQL".

I am saying this because the bug reports about adding support for
MariaDB were asking for mariadb-client | mysql-client and not
mysql-client | mariadb-client. My question is genuine, I really don't
know. Do we plan to transition away from MySQL to MariaDB?
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