Thorsten Glaser writes ("Re: Bug#727708: tech-ctte: Decide which init system to 
default to in Debian."):
> Finally, I believe strongly that the CTTE request is badly worded,
> because the decision on whether we require support for more than
> one (the “default”) init system must be decided either before or
> at the same time as the default is going to be decided. With a GR,
> I could express it as ordered preferences (for example, preference
> for “support them all”, before sysvinit-only, before upstart-only,
> before NOTA, before systemd-only).
The TC certainly won't restrict ourselves to choosing between the
options from the two main current camps.

If you would like to make a counterproposal, please do go to the
Debate page on the wiki and set out what you think should be done and


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