On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 06:57:50AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> > > The usefulness of supporting --as-needed isn't because of Ubuntu.  It's
> > > because switching --as-needed on across the board
> > 
> > I think it would be better send all our upstreams patches for their
> > build systems than to work around all the bugs in them. Lets be honest
> > here, IIRC any use of --as-needed is a workaround for over-inflated
> > DT_NEEDED and fixing those upstream benefits the wider free software
> > community, which we pledged in Social Contract item 2.
> Linking in the correct order is not a workaround; it's being correct.
> Sufficiently portable upstreams already get it right since at least some
> traditional Unix systems already required linking in the correct order,
> so this is not a new thing.
... or when linking with static libs.

> I obviously have no objection to sending link-order patches upstream,
> but realistically this sort of thing only gets fixed across the board if
> driven by distributions, and the sensible way to track how far we've got
> is to fix it in the distribution.
Not to mention dead upstreams. Does anyone have some estimates about how
many packages have dead upstreams?


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