On 25.10.2013 08:23, Rene Engelhard wrote:

> A NMU for a MINOR bug is NOT something which should be done.
> I quietly accepted the dbs one, but this is over the line.

I can understand your rage, but to be clear: I only submitted the bug
and patch, I didn't ask for it to be nmu'ed and was as surprised as you
are about it - especially since I never submitted a changelog entry.

> It builds fine. When some distro bogusly introduces changes which make
> all kind of packages breask they can fix them up; but this is not a reason
> for NMUing it in Debian.

As you can see from
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/away/0.9.5+ds-0+nmu1ubuntu1 I did
fix it in Ubuntu. Please direct your rage at the person who took the
patch, created a false changelog and uploaded it to Debian.

Andreas Moog, Berliner Str. 29, 36205 Sontra/Germany
Ubuntu Developer
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