Adam Borowski writes ("Re: Dreamhost dumps Debian"):
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 03:33:26PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > I have done skip upgrades on multiple occasions.  The fallout was
> > always manageable.  (The most recent one was etch->squeeze IIRC.)
> Why wouldn't you instead:
> sed -i s/etch/lenny/ /etc/apt/sources.list
> apt-get dist-upgrade
> sed -i s/lenny/squeeze/ /etc/apt/sources.list
> apt-get dist-upgrade
> This costs some machine time, yeah, but to solve that "fallout" costs human
> time which is in most cases far more expensive.

Well, what I mean is that the fallout could be fixed by fixing upgrade
bugs in the packaging.  Most of the core packages already have the
right metadata and upgrade support.  That the fallout is manageable
shows (I think) that this isn't an unreasonable thing for Debian to do
- we're already nearly there.

The bigger problem for a Debian LTS is this: 1. who is going to do
security support for it ?  2. How are we going to deal with 
drivers for new hardware - upgrade the kernel to LTS+1's ?


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