+++ Matthias Klumpp [2013-06-07 23:50 +0200]:
> 2013/6/7 Tollef Fog Heen <tfh...@err.no>:
> > ]] Nicolas Dandrimont
> >
> >> The "accepted by DSA part" is a bit complicated. We didn't really want to
> >> bother one of the busiest teams in Debian when the software wasn't even
> >> packaged, and, when it came up, I felt that the reception of the idea of
> >> using fedmsg was a bit lukewarm. I think we should be able to work things 
> >> out
> >> when and if we have a working proof of concept.
> >
> > >From what I remember, we did have some questions about how some unique
> > challenges in Debian's infrastructure will be solved, yes.  I don't
> > think I've seen completely satisfactory answers about it yet either, but
> > I'd need to go digging to be entirely sure.
> At the Tanglu Debian derivative (which is just in formation right now)
> we build packages using Jenkins CI at the moment, due to this issue
> and wanna-build having problems to build source-only packages and a
> few other issues (difficult to set-up, weird handling of buildlogs and
> some other related issues)
> Jenkins isn't perfect either, so I am currently aiming to adjust
> buildbot for our needs, which might be a solution (and it easier to
> handle than a wb infrastructure, and can be integrated with the
> existing Python tools).

People keep trying to solve this problem (and this is good - it needs
solving). Please take a look at pybit, which purports to be a
distributed build-system designed to work for exactly this case, using
MQ for the message-passing.

I believe this to be a better fit than general-purpose build systems
like jenkins and buildbot (which IME don't really fit the building of
hundreds of different packages (as opposed to building a few packages
often) very well). 

I haven't yet had a chance to use pybit for real (although I've been
planning to try for a while, and might get a tuit soonish), but the
people who built it are clueful, and it _ought_ to be better than
rebuildd, simpler and more flexible than wanna-build, and more
appropriate than jenkins and buildbot.

I'd be very interested to hear from people working in this area
whether it is indeed useful.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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