On May 10, Marc Haber <mh+debian-de...@zugschlus.de> wrote:

> Having the rescue image _this_ independent is not really desireable
> since one would probably have to deal with outdated or non-existing
> rescue tools in the independent image while the correct software in
> the correct version is on the system's own / file system.
I doubt that this is going to be a problem in practice, but if it 
happens to be then I am sure that the grub glue package(s) can be easily 
enanched to keep the rescue image up to date.

> But I'll have the fsck version that is guaranteed to fit my /usr file
> system in the big /usr file system, so I'll be forced to use an fsck
> from a rescue image which might not be the current one, possibly
> causing even more damage.
People use live CDs for rescue all the time, do you have some data which 
show that this is actually a problem in real life and not an imaginary 


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