[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fabrizio Polacco)  wrote on 06.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On  6 Jan, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> >
> > I think the general opinion was "let the others take care of
> > not conflicting with us". So, the people on debs.fuller should make sure
> > that the version numbers they use will not be taken by 'official' .deb
> > packages.
> This sounds nonsense.

It's the only option we have.

> People at deb.somewhere will not care at all of our policies and package
> as they like (as KDE is doing); Debian's maintainer will get the
> complaints.
> You cannot expect that the _others_ will do in the right way.
> Ask Murphy.

And no policy of ours can possibly change that, so we might as well just  
give up on that idea.

We manage our version numbers, and as far as the project is concerned, non- 
project .debs are in no way a responsibility of the project.

We might suggest ways to keep those numbers distinct to other people, but  
as we can't enforce that, we shouldn't even try. Simple example: someone  
grabs a source package and rebuilds it without any changes. He will now  
have a different .deb (and it _will_ be different - different time stamps,  
maybe he used a different gcc, different debmake version ...) with the  
exact same version number as the original.

Just close bug reports referring to non-project .debs with "not our  
package, not our problem". And maybe work on an official bug report tool  
with some chance of announcing who built that package (might need some  
support in dpkg-dev).

MfG Kai

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