On 30/05/12 17:17, The Fungi wrote:
> On 2012-05-30 13:20:24 +0100 (+0100), Philip Ashmore wrote:
> [...]
>> By the way, this extends to man/info pages too, but as they're
>> versioned, you can refer to a specific version through the package
>> version.
> [...]
> I've always liked the way OpenBSD provides Web-indexed manpages
> versioned by OS release, so I can refer someone to documentation for
> a particular command in the context of how it worked and what
> options it supported as of a particular stable release version.
> Granted, they have the luxury that their manpages for the core
> distirbution are aggregated together in any given release already,
> not scattered amongst numerous individual packages.
Isn't it possible to extract those from snapshot.debian.org
per-release/per-time ?


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