I think that /usr/src should the be domain of the local admin.

I don't think kernel-{header,source}-x.xx.deb should exist, really,
because I don't think source code should be distributed as .deb files
anyway.  So I'm not unhappy about making a policy decision that leaves
kernel-{header,source} with nowhere good to go.

Why does libc6 depend on kernel-header ?

Manoj writes:
>         Current [ractices, as far as debian is concerned, is that
>  debian owns /usr/src. This has been the case since April 1996 (that's
>  1.75 years now!)

This may be the case if you look at all packages, but I have never
installed any packages that did this, and if I had I would have
reported it as a bug.

What's new is that packages wanted even by people who think they own
/usr/src might actually install there.


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