OoO  Lors de  la soirée  naissante  du lundi  07 mai  2012, vers  18:29,
Patrick Lauer <> disait :

>>> No, enough politeness.  We get that you like the way Gentoo does things
>>> (lots of options, you get to keep the pieces when they break), but some
>>> of us are trying to make Debian better than that.  We don't need more
>>> half-assed options, we need a solution.
>> AOL.
> Y'all really want to play that game?

Very constructive. Thanks.

> Now, we can just continue mudslinging, and in the end it's great fun but
> nothing productive, or you guys could just stop looking down on
> everything else and accept that sometimes other people do produce decent
> things.

> If you want to make Debian better you could start by looking at where
> others have eclipsed you already and figure out how to catch up. Unless
> you are willing to accept that possibility and learn you'll be stuck in
> NIH hell and rediscover every little corner case and trivial  bug that
> others already fixed years ago.

The  initial discussion  was about  to change  our current  default init
system to  something better.   OpenRC is better.  But as is  systemd and
upstart. Nobody is in the process of rewriting a new init.
Vincent Bernat ☯

Make it right before you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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