OoO En  cette fin de  matinée radieuse du  dimanche 29 avril  2012, vers
11:25, Svante Signell <> disait :

>> But that's the whole point : new hardware pops up while booting. See for
>> example a server that will need  a 3G connection. The 3G connection will
>> be done  by some  classic USB key.  When the  USB key is  detected, udev
>> triggers a script  asking the USB key (which defaults  to a mass storage
>> device) to  switch to  "modem mode".   Once it becomes  a modem,  the 3G
>> connection  can be initialized.   Turning the  USB key  into a  modem is
>> taking   some  time.   The   USB  key   will  be   "disconnected",  then
>> "reconnected". SO, "found new  hardware".  ifupdown scripts were already
>> run and filed with "interface not found".

> Nice description, thanks. However, this is not necessarily part of the
> _boot_ process!! This could/should happen _after_ the computer is up and
> running, e.g. when starting X. You are not able to use your USB modem
> until then anyway, and boot times should be as short as possible, not
> having to wait for a dongle to connect to the wireless network.

There is no  X. It is a _server_. Its  only available network connection
is through this 3G  usb dongle. If it does not happen  on boot, it never

>> udev can run simple actions when a device appears but cannot run a chain
>> of dependencies  (start the  3G connection, run  some daemon  that needs
>> Internet  which in  turn  will trigger  some  client to  this daemon  to
>> run). The solution is an event-based init. We want a reliable boot.

> Then the functionality of udev should be extended, not dragging the
> init scripts into this udev<->Linux kernel interaction. I think it
> would be much better to isolate these two instead of having a third
> (potentially buggy) software included. 

The  functionality of  udev should  be extended  to  manage dependencies
between system daemons? Isn't the job of init?
Vincent Bernat ☯

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