On Fri, Jan 02, 1998 at 04:25:09AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:

> >> dbview          closes 14563
> > Please do not close this.  The package needs some investigation
> > and will be libc6'ed by that time.  If you have patches to it, please
> > send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ok.  I will try to isolate all the patches that affect these programs.  Some
> bugs, however, should be merged(see majordomo), and I don't know if a
> non-developer(yet!) can do it.

Everybody who has access to the bugtracking system can merge bugreports.
And as you only need to have mail access you're probably able to merge them.

> >> majordomo       closes (12976, 14196, 14959, 15100), 14434
> >>                 closes 4572, 9774, 13463, 13585, 15995, 15996 not yet u/l

Are you going to take over that package, too?  If not I might take
it in a few weeks when my upgrading procedure is finished.

> >> mdutils         closes 8062, 15319
> > Somebody said that it is opsoleted by raidtools which need to be
> > packaged?
> I saw that bug report, to.  Should the debian package still be name mdutils,
> but use the raidtools source?  If not, how should the dependencies be set to
> make sure that someone upgrading will get raidtools, and have mdutils
> deselected.

No, the new package should be named similar to the upstream source but
the control file should contain these lines:

  Conflicts: mdutils
  Replaces: mdutils
  Provides: mdutils

This way the new package would completely replace the old package.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                            Erfahrung ist eine nützliche Sache /
/ Leider macht man sie immer erst kurz nachdem man sie brauchte /

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