Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> package (*) as you mirror it.  This goes for CD images,  too -- we'd have
> to release an 'Official Debian CD Set' and an 'Official Debian CD Set
> German Edition'  because the former would contain any packages in the main
> distribution.

this won't work, because some CD distributions (i.e. infomagic) are
selled international. Therefor the english version is sold in
Germany. I don't thing that a game like doom is worth the trouble. Let
it be in the non-free section, where it belongs to. Then there's no
need for a separate german CD set, as the official images don't
contain the non-free section. (or let it out of our distribution -
there is a note in our DFSG about this aspect, but I can't remember
what it says)

Happy new year

Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.oche.de/~leutloff/

Debian GNU/Linux 1.3.1! Mehr unter http://www.de.debian.org/

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