Am 29.12.97 schrieb harpo # ...

Moin Will!

WL> Would it be allowed for us to have a non-duetch directory,  which just
WL> wouldn't get mirrored (be default) in Germany?

That's ok.

WL> That way,  if a child gets
WL> it, they've got to get it from someplace outside Germany,  which the
WL> German government can't hope to control.

That's the solution :). The important point is that these games are not on  
a German FTP site and not on a CDROM that is sold in Germany!

WL> It's going to get nuts if we have to have a non-<wherever> directory for
WL> every country,  but maybe we'll have to do this.  If that's the case,

I would prefer a flag in CONTROL. We have got a lot of programs with such  
problems. For example it's no problem to sell programs with GIF support in  
Germany, because there's not patent on this algorithm.
The crypt programs are another group. You're not allowed to use these  
programs in France or Russia.

cu, Marco

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