On 29 Dec 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

> I think you overlooked part of my post.  I mentioned that *I* had
> created /usr/src/linux as a link to /usr/src/linux-my-kernel-version.
> Then when I installed kernel-headers (because the new libc6-dev made
> me), kernel-headers saw the link, decided it was OK, and proceeded to
> write it's files into /usr/src/my-kernel-version.  I'm not claiming
> this is a bug, since I think it's becoming clear that I shouldn't have
> made the link in the first place, but I was a little surprised, and I
> think others might be as well.
Something similar over here. I just compiled glibc for m68k and installed
the single packages. I had to fool libc6-dev (ingnore dependencies), since I
never had kernel-headers installed. I guess m68k kernel is a little bit
different and I have never seen a 2.0.32 release for m68k. Everything is
running fine, except that I cant compile very good anymore since most things
in include/asm and include/linux seem to have gone from
/usr/src/linux-2.0.33 which is where /usr/src/linux pointed to.
Is it really neccessary to make libc6-dev depend on kernel-headers?
I will try again with kernel headers installed, but I�m not sure if this is
good on a m68k system.

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