On Dec 29, Rob Browning wrote:
> Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     The vendor, I think. kernel-header-x.xx and kernel-source
> >  packages have always assumed ownership of /usr/src; this is not a new
> >  libc6 thing.
> It's new for anyone who has never had kernel-headers and kernel-source
> installed before now (because presumably they were using
> kernel-package).
> Maybe I'm the only one, but I just wanted to post a heads-up before
> other people were affected.  And regardless, I think we might need to
> make the /usr/src/ policy clear.  (Perhaps it is already and I just
> wasn't paying enough attention.)

For what it's worth, FHS 2.0 specifies /usr/src (which means it's
clobber-able).  It only guarantees safety for things under /usr/local (and
says you might want to be nice to Joe User and not clobber their /etc files
without asking :-)...

And this probably does need to be advertised better (especially since I've
been using /usr/src for everything under the sun).

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