On Tue, Dec 16, 1997 at 11:35:23AM +0500, Adam P. Harris wrote:
> > For example, I have configured my ip-up script to start fetchmail
> > (in daemon mode) and grab articles for my local news spool unless
> > the file /etc/no_mail exists.  Therefore, if I need to quickly dial
> > in, say to fetch a file, I create this file before starting pppd so
> > that I can hang up as soon as I am done without waiting for POP and
> > NNTP transfers to finish.
> I'm not sure we can accomodate this ;)

So don't use plain "pon", use   
touch /etc/no_mail ; 
exec pon

and your ip-up.d/fetchmail would be
if [ -f /etc/no_mail ]
  fetchmail -d 600

FWIW I've been using run-parts in ip-up and ip-down for some time now,
the scripts reconfigure stuff based on my ip address (2 ISPs)  etc.
and everything works like a charm.  I dunno about packages placing
scripts in ip-[up|down].d/ -- I'd rather put them in 

emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

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