> Hi,
> On Wed, 26 Oct 2011, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > http://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html
> Hum, it looks like some ftpmaster added a new entry in the FAQ (since it's
> dated October 2011). Probably Mike O'Connor since he replied to #646729
> and re-raised its severity.
> Mike, it would be still nice to have some official answer to
> <20111027070837.gm...@rivendell.home.ouaza.com>. At least so that the
> reasoning of the FTP masters is recorded for posterity.
> I'm not going to argue further since it looks like the consensus seems to
> be to enforce this requirement for this specific case.
> It would still be nice if ftpmasters mailed debian-devel when they
> extend their FAQ to rule on new kinds of issues.


It wasn't I who edited the FAQ, nor am I an ftpmaster.  I don't believe
that this FAQ entry was made in order to make a rule on a new kind of
issue.  I think it is to clarify a misconception that seems to be
becoming more common about "what is the source code".  I don't belive
that this stance we are taking about what constitutes source code is at
all a new one.


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