On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 10:08:45AM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> Am 16.08.2011 02:43, schrieb Russell Coker:
> > I'd like to see zless work transparently with bzip and xz compressed files. 
> >  
> > There's really no need for three different wrapper programs when the zless 
> > program can just consult the magic db to determine which decompression 
> > program 
> > to use.
> FWIW, if you the following in your bashrc:
> if [ -f /usr/bin/lesspipe ]; then
>     eval "$(lesspipe)"
> fi
> you can just "less somegzfile" or "less somebzipfile".  In squeeze you
> can't use less on a xz compressed file, but I guess that could be added.

lesspipe doesn't support xz in unstable, too.

There's a patch in #572228 (and at least one fool just wrote a duplicate
before checking for existing ones), but the patch is rotting in the BTS.

Anibal: would you care to apply it?

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