I've been invited to deliver a speech at the next GNU Hackers Meeting,
which will take place in Paris (France) from August 25th to August
28th. The people who invited me are interested in the workflow of
patches from final users to upstreams, possibly passing through
derivatives, that I've presented in various talks before.

I'll be glad to talk about that. But I would also like to take the
chance to present how we feel about GNU as an upstream, in case we have
anything more to say about GNU than what we have to say about other
upstreams (see for example initiatives like [1,2,3]).

In short: if you are maintaining a GNU package [4] in Debian, I'd like
to hear from you. Please mail me comments about your relationship with
GNU as an upstream, whether it is good or bad, and whether you have
specific desiderata that are general enough to be mentioned to GNU as a
project rather than to individual GNU maintainers.

I'll ask the GNU hackers to do the same from the converse point of view
(i.e. do they have issues in dealing with Debian as a downstream?) and
share the results here. I'm setting Mail-Followup-To to <leader@d.o> to
collect feedback, but by all means feel free to follow-up to -project
for comments of general interest.


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-upstream/
    (shameless plug: this one is in need of a few ideas about how to
     better advertise itself, I'm sure people on the list would welcome
     contributions on that front)
[3] http://updo.debian.net/
[4] http://www.gnu.org/software/software.html#allgnupkgs
Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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