On 11 Dec 1997, Guy Maor wrote:

> "Scott K. Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm sick of trying to find a useful workaround for people who just
> > want to install a few packages from hamm without upgrading the whole
> > thing.
> There isn't one.  I assumed you, as libc5-to-libc6 maintainer, knew
> that.

Well, there is one.  It involves downgrading libc5 to 5.4.33-3 from my ftp
site and putting it on hold.  This is not, however, a very elegant

> Yes, it is theoretically possible to make libc5/libc5-dev,
> libc-6/libc6-altdev packages, all using the old utmp format (among
> other things), but I don't see the point in doubling development
> effort for the few people who want to straddle the fence.  Either stay
> on bo or upgrade to hamm.

Not asking for libc6-altdev or libc6 using the libc5 utmp format.  Just
for a libc5 that doesn't conflict with libc6 or libc5-dev

> I'll be making a bo-unstable distribution this weekend for anybody who
> wants to upload libc5 versions of their packages.  That'll hopefully
> take away some of the impetus from this discussion.
> > | libc5-5.4.33-3 |     OK    |     OK    | What we USED to have in bo
> That was before we had a libc5 with libc6 format utmp.  It's
> impossible now.

Why is it so impossible?  Just don't apply the libc6-utmp patches to
libc5.  Maybe I'm missing something totally obvious here, but if so I
don't see it.~

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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