On Sat, 2011-02-12 at 15:12 +0100, Jarek Kamiński wrote: 
> Na grupie linux.debian.devel napisałe(a)ś:
> > Trying to run unmodified Debian on 64MB is a suicide, I'd say the weakest
> > type that are going to run stock Debian are chroots on n900, which, with
> > 256MB, can handle all the phony stuff together with decompression just fine.
> > If you allow for everything but the decompression to be swapped out, even
> > 128MB would work reasonably.
> No, it's not:
> #v+
> [jarek@archeress ~]% free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:            60         58          2          0         10         16
> -/+ buffers/cache:         31         29
> Swap:          511         55        456
> #v-
> Lenny with (by memory usage): bind, openssh, snmpd, postfix, cups,
> dhcp3, ntpd, upnpd, hostapd, mt-daapd, ... works just fine. I could
> reduce the memory requirements even more by throwing away some services
> and replacing bind with something lighter, but it wasn't necessary.

For example:

ijc@sarnath:~$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:            28         25          2          0          5          9
-/+ buffers/cache:         10         17
Swap:           61         21         39

Lenny firewall (shorewall based) i586 machine + bind, openssh, snmpd,
ntpd, openvpn. Been running fine since I installed it with Sarge years
ago, the biggest problem is lack of diskspace during dist-upgrade...

Ian Campbell

 you are baked
 Espy: only half so

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