hi, all

>From point of software developer,  people who use computer can be divided into 
>3 groups:

1.  just user. 

     They just want to use computer, not anything else.  Maybe all the 4 groups 
mentioned by hans.ullrich can be put here. For those people, debian is 
obviously not the first/best choise. 

2. normal software developer.

     This group includes 90% software developers and 90% commercial software 
companies. To reduce the development cost, they must limit the development time 
and limit the packages used in developping.  For example, a lot of coders use 
only gtk/qt, nothing else. For those people, debian is also not the first/best 

3. advanced software developer.

    This is the only group who benefit from the rich of debian package. 
Unfortunately it is very few.


> From: hans.ullr...@loop.de
> To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: How to make Debian more attractive for users, was: Re: The 
> number of popcon.debian.org-submissions is falling
> Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 19:38:02 +0200
> Hi community,
> well, I think, the main problem is, WHO are the persons, you want to
> actiuvate.
> During my meanwhile 15 years activity in my it-job, I met mostly several main
> groups of people:
> Group 1: people, who are not interested, whatever OS they are using, as long
> as it is working. They do not care of costs or freedom. They never change
> anything on their computers and they even do not know, what they are doing at
> all. This is the biggest group.
> Group 2. Gamers - they use their computer just for games, and they do also not
> care of the OS, as long as the games are running on their computers. Sadly
> most of the games are running only in windows (sigh).
> Group 3: Systemadmins - Yes, there are a lot of sysadmins out there, who are
> not able to see the difference between Linux and Windows server systems. IMO
> these people will bring the most power into debian, if you can motivate them.
> Group 4: People, who decide in business, which OS to use.
> There are some smaller groups, too, but let me just suggest, how these biggest
> groups could be interested.
> Group 1 can be interested, either when there are Debian (and I mean really
> Debian, not derivates like Ubuntu) preinstalled Computers available. These
> should be easily configurable. A graphical interface (for example in the style
> of webmin) is absolutely necessary. There are a lot of people outside, which
> are NOT gamers, but like internet surfing, need office, e-mail and other 
> stuff.
> Group 2 IMO can only be motivated, if it will be possible, to prove customers
> and distributors, that a fine installed debian is running much faster than a
> windows system. I imagine, that preconfigured "gaming images" or "-packages"
> might help them.
> Group 3: I think, there can be nothing done, than to develop clickable
> interfaces, as windows sysadmins are used to this style of administration.
> Sorry, please be not angry, but 90 percent windows sysadmins I met in my life,
> were lazy, did never read manuals and expected everything to be worked by a
> mouse click (sigh!).
> Group 4: Business deciders are a big problem. They only see money! But I
> think, if you want to convince them, then you need a web prensentation or a
> presentation at all, who makes the idea of debian clear: save costs through
> the work of a community , development will be guaranteed in the future, use of
> real standards, more power for less money, no license problems and some other
> things I forgot. For those people, a presentation should be developed by
> people, who create professionell advertisements.
> Well, those are IMO the biggest groups of computer users. I estimate all
> together about 80 percent. If you can win only 1/3 of them, then it will be a
> big step.
> But the question is: Is that really, what you want?
> Best regards
> Hans-J. Ullrich
> --
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