Debian, by default, utilizes the user private group scheme (UPG). This
means that when a new user is created on a system, a group of the same
name, if not already in place, is created, and the user is placed in the
group, as the only user. Thus, when new files (dirs, etc) are created by
that user, the group added to that new file is the UPG of the user.

For example:

# useradd foo
# id foo
uid=1000(foo) gid=1000(foo) groups=1000(foo) [snip]
# su - foo
$ touch newfile
$ ls -l newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo foo 0 May 10 10:05 newfile

So, the appropriate group is applied, and the user foo is the only
member of the foo group. But, do you see a problem? The group
permissions are 'r--', even though 'foo' is the only member of the 'foo'
group. This means the umask is '0022'. If we change the default umask to
'0002', then the appropriate permissions will be applied with the group:

$ umask 0002
$ touch anotherfile
$ ls -l anotherfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 foo foo 0 May 10 10:06 anotherfile

As it sits, having the default umask set as '0022' isn't breaking
anything, but it's no longer needed. It's just historical baggage coming
from the 'users' group on older UNIX systems, where any new user added
to the system was added to the 'users' group by default. Thus, removing
the write bit made sense. It doesn't make any sense with UPG.

For comparison's sake, Fedora (and as a result, RHEL/CentOS/etc) have
implemented '0002' as their default umask, as they implement UPG.
openSUSE and family, however, still use the 'users' group, so it makes
sense for them to use '0022' for their value.

I guess I'm more or less curious why we're still using this outdated
umask value with UPG. What would it take for Debian to update our
default umask to match the UPG scheme? Is this doable for Sqeeze? Are
there reasons for not making the switch?

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