Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 2010-03-12 01:54, Terence wrote:
>> On 11 March 2010 23:41, Ron Johnson <> wrote:
>>> (Let's get this back on the list!)
>> If you want weather forecasts (in Europe or anywhere else) try:
>> These people give an excellent services and forecasts geared to your
>> local address and postal code.
>> Their accuracy of forecasting for me in the UK (near Dartmoor, in
>> Devonshire) is first-class, usually to within a degree centigrade, and
>> is far more useful than the Met Office offering.
>> This may not suit you, but I fully recommend it.
> The extraordinarily useful FF addon Forecastfox uses Accuweather.
Yeah, but it is FF, not directly in the taskbar!

Merciadri Luca
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