John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 07:54:37 +0000
> Terence <> dijo:
>> On 11 March 2010 23:41, Ron Johnson <> wrote:
>>> (Let's get this back on the list!)
>> If you want weather forecasts (in Europe or anywhere else) try:
>> These people give an excellent services and forecasts geared to your
>> local address and postal code.
For sure, but can it be integrated to my applet? That is the problem.
> The main problem is that weather was invented by the English, and is
> therefore found only in England and her colonies. The rest of the world
> lacks weather, with the exception of Poland. In Poland it was only
> recently initiated. God help the Polish, as they must now forevermore
> be slaves to constantly checking forecasts lest a drop of rain fall on
> them. The rest of the world has wisely avoided implementing weather.
But why are people so reluctant to implement it? It is not as if it were

Merciadri Luca
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