On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 12:44:18 +0200, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:

> > >   * Localized man pages should either be kept up-to-date with the
> > >     original version or warn that they're not up-to-date, either with
> > >     warning text or by showing missing or changed portions in the
> > >     original language.                                        [12.1]

> Maybe on debian-i18n we could issue a call for translation of this
> text (once we agreed on a phrase) such that maintainers using a patch
> system could add it already until a solution with upstream is found.

That might indeed be helpful.
> > As such, this "should" prevents *many* packages to meet 3.8.3 for
> > Standards-Version. You may thus want to check things carefully..:)

An interesting question is how to detect outdated translated
manpages; if they are only half the size or miss some options in an
item list it's simple but if the text is just outdated and/or wrong I
fear I'll have some problems in several languages ...

gregor (not subscribed to debian-i18n)
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