Adeodato Simó wrote:

> Hello,
> For those following testing, this is just a quick mail to let you know
> that KDE4 will become available in Squeeze with tonight's mirror pulse.
> (It's KDE 4.2.2, I'm told 4.2.3 will shortly be uploaded to unstable.)
> A note for compiz users: unfortunately it hasn't been possible to migrate
> to testing the new compiz, useable with KDE4, because it also depends on
> a newer GNOME. In order to upgrade to KDE4, you will have to temporarily
> uninstall compiz-kde, or grab compiz-kde and dependencies from unstable.
> Cheers,
Yes, but sadly 4.2 is not hitting squeeze all at once. I got about 6 4.2
upgrades today with the results that a lot of my kde apps are no longer
functional. The menu items along with their associated icons are gone:
kpat, amarok, k3b are 3 of many apps to be affected. I guess this will get
sorted in a couple of days but WHY?!? would they release packages piecemeal
this way?
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