Adeodato Simó <> writes:

> To an hypothetical person that would deeply care about not running
> non-free software, does that provide any real gain/benefit/improvement
> over running a kernel full of request_firmware() calls, and never
> installing a firmware package from non-free in their systems? Honest
> question.

Jokes about “sin” aside: It's a whole lot easier to *discover* such
non-free pieces if one can be confident that, even if installed by
mistake, they will fail to load.

Think of it as “defense in depth”, ensuring that there is more than
one barrier to undesirable elements.

 \        “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the |
  `\                    initiative in creating the Internet.” —Al Gore |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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