Am 2009-03-01 23:35:17, schrieb Josselin Mouette:
> Unfortunately, as such, we are not going to distribute either Nero
> (which is non-free) nor cdrecord (which is undistributable). If you are
> interested into improving CD burning support in Debian, you’re welcome
> to either help fixing these bugs in wodim or help resolving the
> licensing situation of cdrecord. 

Josselin, HOW can someone try to support something, if SCSI  support  is
droped?  The SCSI support require VERY MUCH working on it and I have  NO
CLUE about SCSI programming.

Even my old CDR-55S where working up to Woody perfectly  and  then  from
one day to anoter, SCSI support was droped.

Wodim claim to burn a CD/DVD and then after it is finished,  the  CD  is
empty.  Not even touched and broken.  It spinned for 15-20  minutes  and
thats all.

Since it s not possibel to install wodim and cdrecord in parallel, there
is no way for testing.  And I am burning arround 500 CD's and 120  DVD's
per day (for a customer).

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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