I demand that Frans Pop may or may not have written...

> Joerg Jaspert wrote:
>> We plan on changing the current sections in the archive. With the rapid
>> growth of archive, many of them have become too big to be useful anymore.

> Great.

>> The new sections are:
> [...]
>> localisations            Language packs

> I'd prefer "localization".

Whereas I'd prefer "localisation"...

> - We use en_US in general -> "ize"

... unless you're localising for en_US. OTOH, given that that section is for
localisation, "localization" is probably right, being localised...

("-ize" isn't actually wrong here, but it looks too American to us so we use
"-ise" even where it *is* wrong; thus it ends up becoming right.)

> What about packages like libcvs-perl or libgit-ruby? Do they stay with the 
> language or move to this new category?

ISTM that they should stay with the language, but I can see why they might be
moved. There's a good argument there for having them belong to two sections,
but that's why debtags exists.

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
|   <URL:http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/progs.packages.html>

Resist the insidious influence of the evil American corruption of English!

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