> Not like it is *that* important, but we now have more than 100
> OCaml-related source packages in the archive, most of which are
> libraries for OCaml development.

> I don't if that warrants an "ocaml" section, which is your call, but
> if it does, well, ... heads up :-)

Get me a short description for it.

> The regex over binary package names would be "lib.*-ocaml.*",
> currently matching 160 binary packages in the APT database on my
> laptop (unstable + experimental).


bye, Joerg
* maxx hat weasel seine erste packung suse gebracht, der hat mich dafür
  später zu debian gebracht
<weasel> .oO( und jetzt ist der DD.  jeder macht mal fehler.. )
<maxx> du hast 2 gemacht.... du warst auch noch advocate :P

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