On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 14:42:34 +0400, Dmitry E. Oboukhov wrote:

(cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED], please adjust accordingly)

> 1. dh-make-perl
> For   example   we   build   with   its    help    the    package
> libwww-mechanize-perl.  Excellent! The package is built. But it's
> not a package, its a template for package!  

not if you use dh-make-perl's --build switch.

> 2.  Thank you for many links on  apt-cache  search,  but  I  mean
> rather another class of problems :)

that's why you've been pointed to apt-file search :) 

> Start the command apt-cache --full search -- -perl|less
> and  see  hoe  many  packages  haven't  the  modules'  names   in
> description.  

I agree that that's sub-optimal.
If you hit such packages IMO a whishlist bug would be appropriate.

> Bringing into service the possibility of the  unambiguous  search
> according to the module name will give an opportunity to  improve
> dh-make-perl and write utilities such as I described in my  first
> mail etc. 

dh-make-perl uses `apt-file search Module::Name' internally.


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