On Friday 16 May 2008, Joey Hess wrote:
> Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > Le vendredi 16 mai 2008 à 16:04 -0400, Joey Hess a écrit :
> > > You're insinuatiog that a VCS does not allow easily browsing and
> > > examining patches, and I just don't buy it.
> >
> > I can do more than insinuating: a VCS does not allow easily browsing and
> > examining patches. It doesn’t prevent it, but solely, it is not
> > sufficient.
> Just like a debian/patches is far from sufficient for presenting patches
> in a generally usable or understandable format

How so ? I have seen several times non-Debian upstream developers downloading 
diff.gz from packages.debian.org (which is quite popular location) gunzip and 
patch < diff, then having a look at *.patch files, and they know what has 
been changed to their particular upstream version (unless orig.tar.gz is not 
orig anymore, which could be the sad part of the story).

> Coming up with a complex set of requirements that everyone has to follow
> up front in their workflow[1] is not going to yeld the best results, and
> I think that's my core reason for disliking Raphael's proposal. Now, if
> you can come up with protocols/interfaces that can be used to
> publish/communicate patches, that are managed/generated in whatever way
> is most useful for the maintainer, that seems more likely to work.

I personally don't think there is any need for new infrastrutures. We only 
need to follow some simple rules, i.e. orig.tar.gz should be really the 
original upstream source; diff.gz (debian/patches/ included) is what the 
debian developer added to it.

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