On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 00:38:36 -0300
Joel Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think that the testing or above releases may be suitable for the
> desktop of a EXPERT linux user. I need a stable release because my
> desktop must simply to work; it is not a so critical system like a
> server but this is critical to my business go on.

>From my experience, testing is perfectly suitable for a desktop/development
system. I have used it exclusively on both my desktop and my laptop for a
couple of years now, and I have experienced only a couple of minor issues
so far.

The main difference between a desktop and a server is that usually on a
server you can't afford any downtime, while on a desktop system you can
screw up and reinstall every once in a while if needed...

KiyuKo <eof AT kiyuko DOT org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.

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