On dim, 2008-01-13 at 14:23 +0000, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2008-01-13, Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Building caches at the user level for system stuff doesn=E2=80=99t sound li=
> > ke a
> > good design. Fontconfig stepped back from it some time ago, and I hope
> > KDE will do the same.
> How to cache contents of peoples ~/.kde at system level?

You cache system stuff at the system level, and user stuff at the user
level. Is that so complicated?

> It is very wide spread among kde users to actually configure and change
> ones system. I know this might sound strange to gnome people, but it is
> actually the case.

If all you are interested in is sarcasm, I’m afraid this discussion
isn’t leading anywhere. (As it didn’t start from anywhere either, this
would be logical, though.)

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