On dim, 2008-01-13 at 13:12 +0100, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > You are completely wrong on this topic. If you don’t use dh_icons, the
> > icons shipped in your package won’t be available even to the application
> > itself.
> I don't claim to know the technical details of this, but I don't have 
> update-icon-caches installed and I have never had a missing icon.  So again I 
> suspect that this is an issue particular to some other environment.  Which 
> was my point.

Nope, this works because you don’t have an icon cache. But if it gets
enabled (it often happens when you install something by hand or use an
Ubuntu package, and it *will* be the default in the future), icons not
in the cache won’t be visible.

> > If you had read them, you would also know this feature isn’t available
> > yet.
> So the transitive closure of this discussion is that you are just idly 
> rambling.  Thank you for your time.

No, the conclusion is that you are grumbling about something that is
already underway, and that you are knowingly preventing your package to
integrate correctly without any justification but your own laziness.

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