Hi Soeren,

On 21 August 2007 at 11:20, Soeren Sonnenburg wrote:
| OK, I just had a look at r-cran-fseries, it is indeed a one-liner as you
| said. So creating debian packages from cran-r-packages seems easy. What

Yes. debian/rules just calls /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk which has the
required smarts, and provides the infrastructure centrally. 

E.g. a good example of how it's nice to have the code in one place (as
opposed to dozens of debian/rules files) is that just recently I learned about
a neat x11 framebuffer server wrapper, so calling 'R CMD INSTALL ...'  inside
pbuilder will think it has x11 -- nice one.  Kudos to Charles Plessy who had
used it somewhere else. Now once I upgrade the R package with that, we'll
have it centrally; a few packages need that and I can just test for presence
of that wrapper and if found, use it. End of digression :)

| I still don't understand is how you make sure that a package remains
| compatible with future r-versions (I could not find any indication that
| this is done via dependencies/conflicts). Taking the r-cran-fseries

Fair point -- and we just don't!  I think a need for this arose only once in
ten years of R development in Debian when R 2.0.0 changed enough internals to
warrant it.  In that case I just hand-rebuilt all of the r-cran-* I
maintained and bugged the maintainers of the other ones.  Worked well enough.

There isn't really enough use of R outside of its own packages to warrant the
heavier hand of encoding major versions, and requiring builds.  CRAN package
authors typically upload new packages for new R versions as the CRAN archive
is pretty adamant about tests with R CMD check against current, patched and
devel versions of R.

| From that one can see that fSeries.so is dynamically linked
| to /usr/lib/R/lib/libR.so ... However libR.so has no SO name and if
| incompatible changes happen in R, that package will just not work until
| it is recompiled...

Yes. Remember that libR.so is not an exported API (as stated multiple time in
the R docs) and not known to ld.so and friends.  So this doesn't have to
behave like libz or libjpeg with soname encodings, multiple versions, ...
| I think the solution other people are using is to explicitly encode the
| version in the .so file, e.g. libR-2.5.so (setting the sonmae to
| libR-2.5.so) and including the version name in the package name, i.e.
| r-base-core version 2.5 => package r-base-core2.5...

But only for 'visible' libraries in /usr/lib etc.
| > | general cdbs helpers for r & bioc. Also I am still confused that
| > | r-base-dev contains no header files (they are all in r-base-core) and
| > 
| > Well, Doug chose the name years ago; r-base-dev is meant to provide all
| > dependencies so that R users can do call install.packages() from R and not
| > fall over because headers and libs such as readline or curses are missing; 
| > is not a -dev package in the normal sense (which doesn't work for R as R is
| > not a library you compile against).
| I don't understand... A R user that just wants to use R as is (i.e. not
| compile/install new packages) should not need to install header files,

'du -csk /usr/share/R/include' yields 420k. I have thought in the past about
splitting them off, but weighted that against the total size of the package,
the savings are so small as to not matter.

| but all the header files are in r-base-core. So I still don't see why
| the files necessary to build R extensions (like header files) are not in
| r-base-dev?

Trust me that for almost every R installation you want both r-base-core and
r-base-dev.  Exactly what would we achieve by moving them around, other than
a few kilobytes of header files that would be in the 'arch all' package
r-base-dev rather than in each binary r-base-core?  Also, these may have
arch-specific configure results in them so I could create new and subtle bugs
by moving them. I'd rather not, unless you have a real issue with this.

| > | that all the libR.so has no SO name (at least
| > | objdump -p /usr/lib/R/lib/libR.so | grep SO does not report anything).
| > 
| > Because ld.so does not see /usr/lib/R/lib as it doesn't need to know about 
| > (as one typically does not compile against it).  [ You have a harder job 
| You are right for many cran packages that are written in vanilla R
| (contain only .R files...), but for cran-packages containing
| C-extensions that is a problem (I remember having installed bioC locally
| and having it to recompile when a newer R version entered debian...).

but BioC != CRAN.  BioC tags releases to R releases. CRAN doesn't. So this
does not apply as such.  And besides, R packages typically test for the R
version themselves, so no need to double it via soname encodings.
| > shogun and a better example for you would be Ggobi and r-cran-rggobi so look
| > there instead of comparing with random CRAN package that are called into R 
| > I believe you call R into Shogun so the flow is different requiring a
| > different setup. ]
| r-cran-ggobi only depends on r-base-core (>= 2.5.0) ... so I don't see
| anything providing a smooth upgrade path...

I was probably thinking of Ggobi and/or its predecessor Xgobi which was
linking against R, but that seems to have changed. 

So RPy or my own littler may be better examples. For littler, we use the path

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ldd /usr/bin/r | grep lib/R
        libR.so => /usr/lib/R/lib/libR.so (0xb7c41000)
        libRlapack.so => /usr/lib/R/lib/libRlapack.so (0xb79f5000)

This one could break. So far it hasn't :)  

Hope this helps,  Dirk

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