On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 17:11 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   I came up with nothing on Google for stem linux., and DeliLinux  
> looks to be turkish so I don't know if we would even be to  
> communicate. I should try talking with them, their desktop looks  
> pretty nice. I have already done a bit of research on what  
> applications similar distributions are using, tested some other  
> applications, created a preliminary package list and currently have  
> the prototype running beautifully on my old 500Mhz AMD. I am not  
> trying to target the 486 crowd, I am aiming for PII & PIII.

My wife is happily running Debian (sarge) and GNOME on a laptop with a
Pentium II processor (and 192 MB RAM).  Why do you think a custom Debian
distribution is necessary for this class of system?  (Perhaps RAM is
more of a constraint than processor speed?)  Have the desktop
environments become more demanding between sarge and etch?  I thought
that GNOME had recently seen improvements in performance and memory
requirements, though this might have happened after version 2.14.


Ben Hutchings
Humans are not rational beings; they are rationalising beings.

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