On Sat, Jul 21, 2007 at 02:44:45PM +0200, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> On 21.07.2007 13:36 schrieb Brice Goglin:
> > Sune Vuorela wrote:
> >> I prefer reportbug-ng over any webinterface to recieve bug reports. All
> >> the information about the reporters system that is automatically
> >> gathered about architecture, package versions and such.

> > reportbug-ng does *not* gather all the information about the reporters
> > system... see #422085

> This bug is about replicating a reportbug specific feature.

No, it's about making use of infrastructure that has been in place since
before reportbug was written (/usr/share/bug refers originally to the 'bug'

> In my opinion most of the time it is not necessary to always collect all
> possibly useful information about the reporters system. And in the cases
> where the automatically collected information was not sufficient, the
> maintainer has always the option to ask for more info.

My assessment of reportbug-ng has just gone way down.

The scripts in /usr/share/bug/ are *created by the package maintainers to
collect information they believe should be present in bug reports about
their packages*.  Asserting that maintainers "have the option" to ask for
more info is just stupid; the whole point of having
/usr/share/bug/$package/script is to save a round trip with the submitter,
and to save the submitter (who may not be very adept at all) the trouble of
figuring out how to capture this information to a mail by hand.

You really have no business second-guessing maintainers regarding the
utility of the information being collected.  If this important feature is
not slated to be implemented soon, I guess I for one will have to recommend
against the use of reportbug-ng for the foreseeable future.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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