On 21.07.2007 15:02 schrieb Thijs Kinkhorst:
> On Saturday 21 July 2007 14:44, Bastian Venthur wrote:
>> Rng was by the way not intended to be a 1:1 replacement for reportbug or
>> just a reportbug-with-GUI.
> This is not really supported by the naming of your program (an edit distance 
> of 3 with reportbug) nor by the description. Those two will suggest to the 
> casual user that this is a tool that you could use just as well as the 
> regular 'reportbug' tool.

Of course rng provides from the users point of view a very similar
functionality as reportbug and is intended as a replacement. But from my
developers point of view I did not aim to provide an 1:1 replacement
(meaning rng and reportbug should be 1:1 bug-compatible) That's a

> Different maintainers have already registered that this is not the case for 
> them and reportbug-ng provides less quality bug reports to them. That is the 
> good right of reportbug-ng, but if this is by design then reportbug-ng should 
> be clear to users that it's not actually a replacement for reportbug.

Rng is just a tool which helps users to browse, filter and submit bug
reports. Reportbug is another one. For me the reference how to write bug
reports is described here:


where /usr/share/bugs is not even mentioned.

>> But nevertheless, I agree that this bug report is worth a read. It
>> nicely demonstrates how some developers use to argue with others.
> Like those developers that prefer spending their time on writing statements 
> to 
> the technical committee rather than adding the feature? :-)

I haven't written any statement to the technical committee about this
issue. I just offered a discussion together with them in order to find a
solution for our disagreement about the importance of the requested
feature in a *calm* way.

I don't plan to implement a feature I'm not convinced of just because
some of the requesters prefer a very aggressive kind of argumentation,
quite the contrary is the case! But nevertheless I still offered to
discuss this on a neutral ground.



Bastian Venthur                                      http://venthur.de
Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org

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