* Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-26 21:51:13 -0500]:

> If someone would actually like to do something about the problem of
> maintainers not always responsing to bugs, then probably the simplest
> thing to do would be to code up a view in the BTS that lists bugs that
> have not had a maintainer response (filtering out responses that appear
> to be from the bug submitter, or filtering out all responses not from a
> given email, or something reasonable). If I had an easy[1] way to see
> that in my open bugs, I would be more inclined to prioritise that first
> when doing my periodic reviews of all my open bugs.
> -- 
> see shy jo
> [1] It can be done now with usertags, but hardly easily.

Not to mention that such a view could be very helpful to any DD who has a few
minutes for bug triage and would be more productive if he didn't have to trawl
through all bugs looking for stuff to follow up on. I know it would be very
helpful to me.



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